Titiriberia 2022

Tired of the usual pilgrimage?

This is a good reason to walk to the far west of Europe.

From 24 to 31 July 2022, in the consello de Rianxo (Galicia-España), will be held the program shows, conferences, workshops and cabaret of the seventh edition of Titiriberia, organized by the association Morreu o Demo, who are beautiful people who have been engaged for years in the recovery and dissemination of the popular theater of Barriga Verde. And they succeeded with great results, Long live!!!

I am proud to collaborate with them, with many activities.

There will be the international premiere of "La Luna e Pulcinella",

the inevitable "Le Guarattelle" with Pulcinella and singer company, 

and a workshop of 8hs in 2days for professionals and not only.

Open registrations for some places still free, for info and registration:  info@barrigaverde.eu

Here the COMPLETE PROGRAM https://titiriberia.com/titiriberia/edicion-2022/programacion-2022/


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